Can You Live With Your New Self?

Although I’m a strong believer in astrology, I’d like to start this Full Moon Ritual using my tarot cards to see what kind of interpretations the cards give me, and then I’ll write about it on an astrological level. Also, just a reminder, please don’t light any votive candles until after Mercury goes direct on April 25. Thank you!
To begin with, even on a business/financial level, things will be going through a very fast pull-push situation, where we will feel our economy or the stock market tumbling down really fast, which will give all of us a bit of a scare. Then just as fast, our economy will make a breakthrough and head on up again. For the rest of the year, things should run pretty smoothly as far as finances go!
We will also feel a newfound freedom on an individual level and begin to understand ourselves more and understand our past clearer, to make a smoother way for our future. We will feel more comfortable with ourselves to eventually discover what we really want to do with our lives without society's influence. What this retrograde and Uranus in Sagittarius (happening on April 20) does, is it helps us make our changes slower so we don’t make any wrong moves. And, we get through just fine without any interference with our day job!!
On an astrological level, this Full Moon is all about purging all our emotions, getting rid of all the old stuff, and opening up for all the new stuff whether it’s personal or professional. And since the Full Moon will be going through Taurus, we will have no choice but to face our past traumas and settle with them. And that’s where Mercury in Retrograde will be a Godsend for us because it will help us go through little by little.
Since we start the Full Moon in Scorpio we will also have a very powerful T-square in which we will be dealing with our hearts, emotions, and egos, and we will have to find a way of not combusting. On top of that, Pluto will be in Aquarius which deals with our fantasy lives and making us realize who we really, really are.
But I’ll give you an easy way out. Meditate a little and visualize throwing all of your ego-self into the sun. All you need is confidence and contentment in your life. Yes! It’s really that easy! And then you find out who you genuinely are. The big task is to get rid of your false ego, and that could be so unbearably hard!!!
Meditation Tip

When you meditate, focus on the colors blue, purple and yellow. Visualize throwing all of your ego-self into the sun.
Full Moon Date
April 23, 2024
No candle ritual since Mercury is retrograde