The Prognosis for July 2021
July will feel like the kind of a month where you will feel some inner struggles. You might take it personally, but actually, it is affecting everyone globally. After you go through these struggles you will feel more optimistic as the summer passes. You will shed old skins like a snake and build up your self-confidence. You will feel less vulnerable as the train (this world) goes faster and faster again. After all you have been through; you are prepared for any obstacles that should surface even though you may still feel insecure where the future is taking you. Although you still might have struggles, you will get through them easier. Our economy will get better as well. You can learn from what the pandemic has taught you: adapt, make alterations and keep progressing regardless of the obstacles.
Light all around you!

On a mental level you have been trying to figure out what you would like to do that’s new on a professional level. You have not done it yet because of other obstacles in your life. Your dream is about to come true. You can go to that next level and be very successful even if you feel insecure about it. In doing so, you will be making the right decision. When you start something new and different professionally, it might give you the same feeling as if you are buying a new house. Long story short, this will get you established on another level in your life.

Although you have been feeling as if nothing is changing in your life, soon you will have things to look forward to. Having said that, an old flame will try to reconcile with you, but you might not go that direction. It is still a nice feeling for your ego that this person still wants you. In your profession, things should get easier for you and change a little, but it will be a process that you will like even if you can’t see it yet. Let’s just say you will be more valued in your place of work.

You will start to travel for your career so you won’t be staying home as much, but you will be welcoming these changes. Be prepared that your ex may come knocking on your door to alter the separation agreement. On the other hand, despite the pandemic, you will be making breakthroughs with your career that will strengthen your position in the workforce where people will have more respect for you. That could be why your ex is knocking at your door.

Negative things that have been happening in your life should be ending, so you will be able to breathe a little better now from any obstacles or challenges that you have been facing. On a work level, there is a good chance that you will be taking a new job and making more money or your old job might offer you more money to keep you from leaving. The only clue I can give you is that you will be working less and making more money. On a social level, you’ll be doing something unique, and you may be insecure about it, but when you do it, you will be the talk of the town in an upbeat and popular way.

You’ll be having a lot of new options on the table. It is like adding some new things to something old. Unfortunately, the decisions you make may not make you popular. Sometimes to get ahead, you need to make new choices and it isn’t always a Miss Congeniality contest. Because of the unique way the world is operating today, you don’t have to relocate, but it will be your decision. You will be making yourself happy, but not necessarily making those around you happy.

It would be a good idea to get a checkup because you have health issues that need to be looked into. You likely know there is something off, and avoiding it. You can’t avoid it any longer. It is not that you are going to find anything new; it is more of keeping up with your health. Also, there is someone interested in you on a romantic level or a friendship level, so if you are feeling lonely the timing is perfect.

You will finally be able to accomplish those failures that you have been trying to do, but failed in the past. At work you will be asked to do something different or unique and you will worry about it. Don’t, it will fit you perfectly. The only reason you may worry about it is because it will require new homework. During the pandemic, you had planned to do some traveling but couldn’t. Now you will be able to travel, but you will make alterations to where you want to go. For example, if you wanted to go to the Bahamas now you might decide to go to Hawaii instead.

You may have to share a payment with an ex of yours that has to do with a mutual interest you have together. When something is presented to me in the cards like this, it usually has to do with children. If you don’t have children then it’s likely a mutual investment. There will be a moment that you will have to make a decision together. You have a friend that wants to provide an opportunity to do a work partnership together. You will have that option if you want to go down that road. Someone close to you will reveal something to you that has been kept quiet. When they reveal this secret, you’ll understand why it was kept quiet.

You’ll be getting a business opportunity from someone you know that is very established. You would be a fool to give up this business opportunity. Also, those of you that are in a relationship, you’ll be going through some decision making as to whether you should continue. Even though you have had someone in your life, you still feel lonely. You will be making certain decisions to remove things that don’t work for you.

There are some changes that you will be making in your profession, but will be able to keep it on the quiet side. Since the pandemic, there are certain things that you don’t want altered. If this happens, you may have to do some research to find a remote position. If you want to keep the same lifestyle you have, you may not find your answers by searching job boards. Instead, a personal friend could lead you to bigger and better things.

You will be getting certain monies coming your way that you don’t feel you’ve earned. They will be given to you anyway. Never say “no” to free money. You will be given a certain job opportunity that has been destined for you that will alter what you are doing right now. Take it. Whoever you will be working for will be a match made in heaven. Although you like it, you will be scratching your head wondering how this happened.

There is a chance that you will be taking a vacation with a person that you have had your differences with in the past. This is a special person in your life despite your differences. This vacation will help mend this relationship. As the month goes, you’ll be finding certain alterations in your work. These alterations are not unexpected, but they still feel jarring to you. You’ll get through it and eventually have a sense of inner confidence in your life to pursue your career incorporating these changes. Let’s just say it will be a “before pandemic” and “after pandemic” experience.