The Predictions for June 2024
As far as politics are concerned, everything will seem sweet and innocent but by mid-June, certain true colors will start to appear and will continue unfolding as the summer progresses. Eyes slowly start to open, and things will be revealed because people will start to be exhausted and discouraged in keeping things quiet. Both the powerful and the weak alike might doubt what they did, but their efforts will eventually be rewarded.
There is a woman who will take the light and shine unexpectedly. She will help make a change to clean up that dirty road that man has made such a mess of.
Light all around you ;-)!
(See your astrological sign below:)

To start, this will be one of those months no matter how organized you are with all matters, if you are having difficulty opening up the door, let it go for another month. Also, this is not a good time to start anything new, so try to put those projects aside until you have the information for them to go smoothly. Last but not least, it would be wise to postpone any trip until after June.

This should be one very blessed month for you Taurus. To start, you should be presented with a fair amount of money coming your way. Also, all the hard work that you’ve done will finally pay off. Lastly, this will be a good time to procure a job promotion!

You will be obligated to complete unfinished work that you put off for quite a while. Symbolically, if you do that, it will open up doors for an ideal job that you always dreamt about. On top of that, an obstacle that has been in your way on a contractual level will now be waived.

This will be one of those months where being in the right place just means being in your neighborhood. Although you’ve felt there have been certain obstacles around you in what you’ve wanted to achieve, that will be no more because you always do things your way and only listen to yourself. On a health issue, you’ll eventually find new ingredients to help what ails you.

Expect the unexpected this month. You know exactly what to do because of your past experiences. Whatever new comes up that you don’t know how to deal with, you’ll get the information to put all the pieces together. This even surprises you. Also, there is a contract you’re not happy with. Be patient, tell them what you want, they’ll relent and you’ll get it!

You’ll be having some issues with your love and or sex life in doubting yourself and where you stand with all of it. At the same time, you’re worrying about your work too. The trick is to keep your cool, be patient and you’ll be able to see how everything unfolds. Then you’ll be able to put all the pieces together yourself!

This month may feel like two for the price of one! What I mean by that, is if your love life sucks, it should clear up. And if your work life also sucks, that should clear up as well. Like potluck! Also, this will be a month where you’ll be getting rid of old stuff to welcome new articles into your life. You should take advantage and take a small holiday by yourself to recharge your batteries.

No matter what doubts you have, this will be a month of reconciliation and making up with someone close to your heart. You will have some worry about an old problem of yours that only you can resolve. Do your research first before you head in that direction. You’ll be getting results with some unanswered questions you’ve had (for better or for worse). But at least you’ll have them!

This month feels like you are in new places but with a feeling of being there before. It's as if you have already "done that" with memories you didn’t feel existed before. And having a moment of putting pieces together that you never thought needed being put together. Lastly, if you have an ex to deal with, keep on smiling and never let them see you sweat!

If you’re a Capricorn and in ill health, keep the faith and there will be miracles just around the corner. You’re insecure about deciding to take a vacation. But you’re actually making the right decision to go. You going on vacation will unblock things in your life that you couldn’t do at home.

Well….they tell me you’ll be coming into a lump sum of money that will help eradicate some of your problems. God willing! There is a man of leisure who has been keeping observations on you. (To be continued). Whatever difficult work that you’ve been doing, by fall/winter you’ll be seeing very positive results from it.

There is someone who you are close to where there seem to be more questions around them than answers mixed in with a bit of mystery as well. Just keep quiet and be patient with yourself and things will start to unfold. You may be having some financial issues during some of the summer, but that too will clear up.