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Mano's Psychic Predictions - Fear and Control: Breaking Free Astro Tarot October 2024

Writer's picture: Mano Matthews Mano Matthews

Ghost or fingers and body image on a glass with a shadow
Mano's Psychic Predictions - Astro Tarot October 2024

The Predictions for October 2024

To see me do the tarot cards for October for all the signs, check out this link to the LightPod podcast here.

At the beginning of October, we will still be having trouble getting to where we want to get to, but at the same time, we can't really do anything about it. It could also mean because of certain planets in retrograde like Uranus and the big one is Pluto, but it will be going direct around October 10th.

There are let's say five planets in retrograde right now so it makes life just a little bit tougher when Saturn is in retrograde it won't be going direct until November 15th. That also has to deal with our finances but it represents body structure and it represents even more accidents. So when you have Pluto in retrograde with Saturn in retrograde it can mean unexpected accidents. So use your intuition.

It says we will eventually be getting out of it. But right now, it says if you could use your intuition more you could get through it because right now Neptune is also in a retrograde which means it's about illusions and delusions and kind of not feeling very good about your confidence.

But if you tap more into it, you could turn it around and put the spotlight on you and you can see more about yourself as well.

This will be a good time to interview for jobs if you want to. Things will go well for you although you may not even trust yourself with it. This is a good time to do it before Mercury goes into retrograde again as well.

This is a time to get certain legal things in hand for you and be on top of it before Mercury goes retrograde.

As you progress in October, this will be more of a time when we take chances on relationships and life. And if things seem out of balance,

see where it goes.

This will be also a good opportunity for you to see where you stand with what you want in your life, or even with certain relationships, and even with your romantic relationship. It's all about choosing your words and what you say to get to your next steps in life. That's called your intuition.

And with Neptune in retrograde, as long as you focus, you can use the right intuition to say the right things.

It'll be a time when you'll almost feel like you're in a Model T to get things going, but you do get them going in the ending. You just have to have confidence in you. The only two things we really need in life are confidence and contentment, and when we have those, things go more smoothly. Trust your faith and just remember, when one door closes,

three more doors open up for you in life.

October will be a time when you have to let things happen until you put your own intuition or activity into it. And this will be a time when you have to really let go of old things so new things can happen for you as well. And don't be afraid to make those changes.

It may not happen as fast as you'd them to, but it'll give you a time to, but it's good word for it, to change things around if you don't like how they are on that level. Once that happens, then you're all ready to go on that level.

This will be a time when you're not really sure about your finances and everything. Hold on tight because, by the following month on November 15th when Saturn goes direct, your finances will be better. And the reason why it's kind of loopy like that is because for at least one month or three weeks, Jupiter will be going into retrograde and Capricorn is in retrograde, it's not great for finances. When Capricorn goes direct your finances will be better, which is ruled by Saturn. And then things will go more smoothly for you as well. And just remember, while Saturn is in retrograde, you have to watch your health and your physical ability. Just realize when Saturn is in retrograde, it's all about our bone structure, how we carry ourselves. And so we may be just a bit wobbly, but as long as you use your intuition, you'll be just fine.

Focus more on your life and don't have any fear there. Fear gets you nowhere in life. Just remember that.

And just remember governments like for us to live in fear. Don't go there because that's a form of control. Fear is control. Don't have anyone ever put any fear on you and they won't have control over you. Even if you have a boss that's Cruella de Vil, that Disney character.

So don't let people get to you.

And then by the ending of the month, things should go faster, smoother, and things will be more balanced and you'll get things that you want as well. So it really ends off with a good note.

Light all around you ;-)!


(See your astrological sign below:)


There’s a very good chance that you’ll be approached by someone who wants to have a passionate affair with you, whether you’re involved with someone else or not. Be careful what you wish for because it will definitely come true!! There is an old friend of yours who will need your help or wisdom to get through a tough situation. Last but not least your work will give you exactly what you want.


If you want something that you desire more than anything else, it will take much patience and strength on your part or you can kiss it goodbye!  Whatever pain or sorrow that you’ve gone through will eventually come to an end. Never give up your secrets with your work success. You may regret it. Always trust the unexpected, and you’ll achieve the impossible.


A lot of unexpected success should come your way and you won’t even have to try much to get it.  The only condition for it to activate Gemini is that you need to feel your feminine side more for the success to happen! Also, this will be a month for you to shed away all that doesn’t work for you anymore to let new things fall into your life. That also includes new opportunities in the work field as well.


Whatever discomfort you’ve been feeling for a while, will come to pass. And you’ll also see all the deception that has been causing it. You’ll start to remove what doesn’t work for you anymore and add new things that do work for you. If you’re open to it, you’ll get some new and unique job offers coming your way. Plus, you’ll even have great new ideas to add to them.


This will be one of those months where you’ll really have to use your gut/intuition to avoid murky waters and avoid very unpleasant situations. You’ll also have a unique job opportunity come to you. Initially, you may not like it, but it should prove very successful. Someone will ask you to go on a business/social trip with them. Please say yes. You’ll benefit from it big time.


Right now your social engagement has been on the slow side so put it to good use and finish off incomplete projects. There is someone that you have been at odds with. Be patient and you’ll get what you want from him!  For those of you that have your own business, don’t worry you’ll eventually start to become very busy again.


Someone new will come into your life who can be a lifelong friend for you! There is most likely a new love interest coming into your life, who thinks very differently from you but opposites can attract. If you need legal guidance you will find the right people to help you!


You may go through some turbulence at the beginning of the month, but things will settle down in the right places.  You’ll be getting a visitor who stays for a while and needs your attention and healing from you which you’ll lovingly give. There’s a good chance that you’ll be given a lump sum of money, but you may have to share it with someone as well!!


Although your sign will be going into retrograde from October 7th until February 2025, it should not be so bad for you anyway. As long as you’re charitable at heart, that will take you a long way. Anything old you are trying to work out, you should now get the green light for it to go through. And for anything new you are working on, have patience to go through all the details and be open to having someone help you too. And don’t be afraid to make changes in your personal life as well!


It looks like everything will go through for you as you like it and you’ll get personal support as well.  There’s a difficult friendship you have that’s most likely coming to an end, but it is a blessing in disguise. The universe wants to remind you that for everything to unfold the way you like it, you need to be very patient!!


For the most part, the month of October will be advantageous for you!  To begin with, you should be getting a lump sum of money from a business deal that you arranged in the past. You’ll also be avoiding certain people you don’t wish to be seeing anymore. Whatever legal battle you have, you will get your way despite the headaches it will give you! Last but not least, what you want to keep quiet in your life, will stay that way!


As much as you don’t like surprises, this will be a month when you should expect the unexpected. And, you will do it gracefully!  Be sure that you’re on top of your research because others out there will want to outdo you. Whoever you’re in love with, the universe will show you that you made the right decision to be with. Things with your partner will just fall into place for you.


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