November 2024: Experience Your Metamorphosis with Mano's Astro Tarot Insights

The Predictions for November 2024
As we approach November Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. Saturn will be going direct on the 15th and the 19th, Pluto will be in Aquarius which is ruled by Uranus and stay there for twenty years. Uranus is all about unexpected things happening and major changes. Aquarius is an air sign and is far faster than Capricorn is. This will be a time of many great things to happen in medicine, technology, economics, and science not to mention a bundle of surprises to follow. It will be more equal and even more so for women than ever before. And things will be even more transparent. Plus our food will be even healthier to eat. It will be a time when old and established things will be thrown out and new and invented things will rise. We should begin November with the underdog winning for a change and see through the deception that the dark has been trying to hide for so long. It will give them anxiety because they won’t be able to hide anymore. This all won’t happen overnight, but my goodness, it will start with a bang! Of course, I feel we will have some divine intervention and I'll leave it at that.
Light all around you ;-)!
(See your astrological sign below:)

Although November should be a great month for you, you will find out something deceptive in business happening around you, that’s been going on for a while that can be rectified. The main goal here is to keep your eyes and ears open and to go back and read some old business emails that look suspicious to you.

This will be a month where you’ll be rewarded a noticeable amount of money to come your way, whether from work, business, or even play. This is not a good month to make any international travel plans. Just have fun locally. There is a new friendship happening in your life that should last a lifetime.

There is a feeling that you have the advantage in anything that you do, so if you have any good ideas or even if you play the lottery, I would encourage it. Somehow Lady Luck is on your side. On your health side, though, I recommend you see your doctor for a regular check-up. There is something going on that should be checked.

There is someone you know whose health is not the best. Most likely, a family member. It would be wise if they get some medical attention. They say with a little bit of encouragement, you could actually make your dreams come true which could change your life. I feel it has actually been in the making for a little while.

This month, you may find yourself facing a dilemma about the direction of a personal relationship, but for now, the outcome remains uncertain. My recommendation is to give it time to see how else your life falls into place before you make any decision.

Although your health has been rocky, sometime this month everything should be squared away. My guides say don’t buy anything new this month because chances are it will be a lemon. There is some kind of insurance you’re paying for. It will eventually pay off for you. Last but not least, you’ll have new and old business opportunities coming your way.

Maybe it’s because it’s the time of year, but I would strongly recommend that you get a Covid or flu shot. Of course, that doesn’t sound so psychic, but it is in your sign of Libra more than the other signs. There is a business deal that you’ve been diligently working very hard on. Your hard work will pay off. There’s a good chance you’ll meet someone on the love level, but it’s not yet meant to happen. So for now, settle with a friendship.

It should be an interesting birth month for you. This will be a month where you want everything to happen to you all at once. Just remember patience is golden. You’ll get what you desire, but it will be spaced out little by little. There is someone who is in love with you. Although they are ready to go the next step, to your surprise, you are the one now who wants to go slower. Last but not least you’ll get the contract you want at work. But on another note, this is not a good time for you to invest your money.

Whatever has been holding you back, you’ll now see the door opening. You’ll get to new heights in your achievements. Remember, humility goes a long way! There is a nemesis you know who will become very ill. Try to forgive. A business you thought would go south, will now get a green light.

With some hard work, you can achieve what you want. But with other breakthroughs, that will be helped by the kindness of others. This will be a year when you’ll be able to connect past events that always left you puzzled.

You’ll have an opportunity to try something new, but for now, you’re still not ready. You may get some kind of reward money this month. Just say thank you! There will be a group of people that will help you achieve what you want and there’s no catch to do with it.

You will find going into winter is a welcome for you. Things will get easier for you going towards the end of the year. Your work will be changing around to your surprise and it will be to your advantage. But with other breakthroughs, you may have to take two steps backward before you can go forward.