The Full Moon in Leo & Cosmic Shifts of February 2025 with Mano Matthews

Before I start discussing the Full Moon in Leo Full Moon with the Sun positioned in Aquarius for February 12th, 2025, I’d like to mention that since the beginning of February, Uranus will be in Taurus (wealth and money) which will start and ignite the beginning of huge establishments falling particularly in the high technical industries. It will also follow other forms of industries too. Right now it’s beginning to be felt more in China because the people of China will feel more independence and free speech for the first time. (Let’s see what happens). This will all be felt until March 13th and has to do with Uranus in Aquarius and continues to be talked about because it will stay that way for 19 years, which has to do with freedom, individualism, and changes, in more than one way, particularly in consciousness and love.
Also, this will be a very active time for dreaming. So, keep a journal by your bed to write them down if you can! This is happening because Neptune just entered Saturn after 12,000 years. But overall, this year is a huge time of change astrologically for planets. So we will feel a little dizzy and sleepier than usual. Like when Gemini was in Sagittarius, it's all about changing our views, opinions, and belief systems overall. We will see facts and information in a new light. Also much will happen in aviation.
Leo in Aquarius on February 12 signifies a Full Moon in the sign of Leo. Full Moons are always all about competition, realizations, and making things more obvious to you. Of all fire signs, Leo is the strongest since he is the king who is regal and stately while showing our creativity more in the spotlight. This is about honesty, integrity, courage, high principles, knowing “who I am” and showing a strong influence on others. This is also a time of innovation and surprises in the stock market. We will also see advancements in technology and certain truths coming to light. But above all, love.